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Toxicology Graduate Student Association

Welcome to the Toxicology Program’s Graduate Student Association (TGSA) web page. Students within our program come from all over the world, from many walks of life, to study at one of the oldest, most well respected Toxicology programs in the country. This diversity fits hand in hand with the strong collaborative spirit and camaraderie that exists among our students.

We make the effort to meet several times a year, at our Graduate Student Research Symposium and numerous local scientific meetings, as well as through our football games and parties, to interact both academically and socially. Most importantly, however, is our ability to share ideas and advice — to be supportive — in a setting free of competition.

In addition to the website, the Toxicology Graduate Student Handbook provides essential information for new students. The handbook, updated annually, provides information on course requirements, a chronology of steps for progressing through the degree program, graduate school and program policies, forms, and details about campus life.

2024-2025 Officers

  • First Year Representative

For a complete list of Toxicology graduate students and their contact information visit the Student Directory.

Goals and Activities

  1. Creating opportunities for program members to interact in social atmosphere;
  2. Communicating important program and university issues and policies to students;
  3. Fostering intellectual exchange between students and the scientific community.

Student Research Symposium

The TGSA hosts an annual Toxicology Graduate Student Research Symposium in May, providing an opportunity for students to present their research accomplishments and meet with other scientists in the field. Begun in the spring of 1998, the symposium features a keynote speech by distinguished alumnus. Throughout the meeting, students deliver platform and poster presentations of their research, judged by faculty and scientists from throughout the Research Triangle community. Awards are presented to the top two flash talks and top two posters.

Career Exposures

As a part of our Graduate Program’s weekly seminar series, we host 4 Career Exposures events each semester. These are held at 3:00pm, before the 4:00pm seminar. These informal sit down conversations with our seminar speaker give students a chance to casually speak and ask questions of the guest speaker, ranging from their career path to gaining more insight on the research to be presented. These events are open to ALL students and will be denoted on our calendar of events and seminar announcements.

Social Events

The TGSA hosts three events: the fall picnic, winter holiday party, and the spring symposium. In addition, the group generally grabs a beverage and/or a meal after Tuesday seminar. These and other events, including intramural sports, are posted on the TGSA calendar on the first floor in the research wing of the Toxicology building and sent via email.

The University Graduate School Association and Graduate School Links

The TGSA participates as a chapter of the University Graduate Student Association (UGSA). The UGSA meets monthly to discuss issues relevant to graduate students, from Graduate School actions to changes in support plans, health care policies, and so forth. Also available through the UGSA are funds to cover travel to meetings, thesis preparation, and general departmental events. For more information, check out their website!